Entries in Test (3)


iPhone test

As the title suggests, I am posting this from my iPhone. This is really neat. I think when we go to Orlando I will use this as a way to bring updates to my site. Note- I know the photo has nothing to do with my post. I was testing the iPhone photo upload feature. I bet you didn't know you can't resize from within the iPhone app. Who looks foolish now?


Flower Picts

I uploaded some pictures of flowers I took while at the Royal Botanical Gardens a couple of weeks back with Mary.

This both helped me test the Gallery function on the site as well as I plan on putting a collection of my favorite pictures here. More photos after the break


Testing out SquareSpace

Hey Guys,

So here were are again. I have left AMHosting as my web provider and have now switched to SquareSpace. I have already done some initial testing and have officially already accidentally wiped my entire site after playing with it for 2 hours. That was kinda a bummer... won't lie. But that's why I am testing it. 

So far this has shown a lot of promise.